NicToolServer Installation

I just picked up a 14" iBook so I have a "clean" Panther install to install NicTool on. This is good, as it means that I'll document the entire process. This wouldn't work so well on my dual G5 or Powerbook because I have them all hacked up (custom perl, Apache 2, MySQL, etc, etc).

1. Install Developer Tools

It's hard for me to imagine, but installing Developer Tools isn't the very first thing some folks do when they get their new Mac. For the purposes of installing NicTool, it's required. Open Applications -> Installers -> Xcode Tools -> Developer.mpkg"

TIP: If you choose a custom install and uncheck the documentation, you can save yourself 900MB of disk space. That documentation is wonderful if you're a developer, useless otherwise. If in doubt, you're not a developer.

2. Enable mod_perl

MacOS X has Apache pre-installed. Thankfully, Apple has pre-compiled and installed nearly (if not) all the Apache modules. We have merely to comment out the ones we want enabled. Edit the file "/etc/httpd/httpd.conf", find the two mod_perl lines (LoadModule perl_module.. & AddModule mod_perl) and remove the # characters that are commenting them out. I do this via Terminal, and the command:

vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf

If you're not comfortable with Terminal, I'd suggest using BBEdit for this task.

3. Install dependencies


Download the expat sources, expand them, and install with "./configure; make; sudo make install"


Download the installer, and follow the instructions to install MySQL. If you intend to run NicTool on MySQL locally (ie, upon the computer on which you are now install NicTool), then also install the MySQLStartupItem. Else, do not.

Perl modules: NicTool requires a few perl modules to be installed. Using CPAN is the easiest way to install them so I shall present that method. There are other ways. If you haven't used CPAN prior to this, you'll get a prompt when you first run it. Simply hit enter until you get to the "select mirrors" part. Then choose some mirrors that are geographically near you.

  sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
  install URI
  install LWP
  install XML::Parser
  install RPC::XML
  install MIME::Parser
  install SOAP::Lite
  install DBI
  install DBD::mysql
  install Apache::DBI

You may have problems getting DBD::mysql to install. If so, read this Mac OS X hints article to see how to resolve the problem.

4. Download the sources: NicTool

5. Expand the sources:

tar -xzf NicTool-X.XX.tar.gz

4. Install the perl modules:

cd NicToolServer-X.XX
perl Makefile.PL
make install clean
cd ../NicToolClient-X.XX
perl Makefile.PL
make install clean

5. Move the sources to their long term resting place:

cd ..
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/www sudo mv NicToolServer-X.XX /usr/local/www/NicToolServer
sudo mv NicToolClient-X.XX /usr/local/www/NicToolClient

6. Configure Apache

If you run NicToolClient on a seperate server, then you'll want your vhost to listen on an external IP address instead. These are additions to make to your httpd.conf file:

PerlTaintCheck Off
Listen 8010
PerlRequire /usr/local/www/NicToolServer/nictoolserver.conf
PerlRequire /usr/local/www/NicToolClient/lib/nictoolclient.conf
    KeepAlive Off
    <Location />
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler NicToolServer
    <Location /soap>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::SOAP
        PerlSetVar dispatch_to "/usr/local/www/NicToolServer, NicToolServer::SOAP"

  ServerName localhost
  Alias /images/ "/usr/local/www/NicToolClient/htdocs/images"
  DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/NicToolClient/htdocs
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
    Options +ExecCGI

7. Create MySQL database and permissions.

cd /usr/local/www/NicToolServer/sql

8. Configure nictoolserver.conf

vi /usr/local/www/NicToolServer/nictoolserver.conf

9. Restart Apache

10. Test Installation

cd /usr/local/www/NicToolServer
perl Makefile.PL
make test